Anita practices counseling in Lancaster City. Anita counsels children, teens and adults focusing on client strengths and goals. Email anita@onewhoplantsseeds.net for more information or to schedule an appointment.
How can Anita help you reach out to youth, parents, community members and non-profit staff? Check out the Training page here to learn more about the unique training opportunities I can bring to you.
What is seed planting all about?
While I do enjoy gardening, seed planting is more about my work…which is really my passion. It’s all about the ideas. Those who have seen me give talks to groups big and small will probably remember that I often start by saying that I’m not the expert. I don’t come to tell people what to do. I come to give information, to start conversations, and to help people grow their ideas. Sometimes, we invest in one seed and plant it carefully. Other times, we scatter seeds with wild abandon. Every time, we hope the seed (or seeds) will grow. The results may come right away, or they may take time. What matters to me is that they are allowed the opportunity to exist.
“Gratitude for the seemingly insignificant—a seed—this plants the giant miracle.”
― Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are